Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Update - Week 6

Conference Call Hub Page and page on this blog are up and 4 backlink articles are up with 2 more prepared and ready to go out after some editing. I have Kontera and Amazon's Associates accounts up and running and also am now as of this morning receiving help from a Google Pro on getting my account up and running. My Hub Pages are continuing to draw 1 or 2 visitors a day from Google search results which is promising but not ideal. Therefore, I'm planning on expanding my backlinking over the coming weeks. First, I'm looking to get 20 backlinks for Conference calls over the next couple weeks and then I'll work on getting 10 more for conference tables.

Ranking: Not yet showing in top 100 for my 4 primary keywords. The conference table hub page does rank first for it's title.

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