Saturday, June 12, 2010

Welcome to Conference Table and Conference Call Solutions

As part of a personal experiment, I'm going to try and take this free blog page and establish a Google top ten search ranked website on the topics of conference calls and conference tables. Being a personal experiment, I don't intend to fill this site with advertisements without meaningful content in an attempt to make a quick buck. Although if this site does become ranked, I won't pass up the opportunity to put up a Adsense or Amazon ad, my intention is to gain front page ranking through providing meaningful and valuable content to the reader.


I will attempt to gain a front page ranking by first writing a series of articles about the types and considerations when investing in a conference table or a conference call system. I will also write shorter summaries of those articles and attempt to use them to build backlinks to improve my authority. I will not use any automated writers or link exchanges. All of my content will be 100% original and I intend to write at least 5 articles a week for the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Progress Measurements

In order to measure the progress of this experiment, I will check every Sunday and determine my page rank for the following 4 keywords: Conference Call, Conference Calls, Conference Table, Conference Tables.

Subscribe and come along for the ride.

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